REQUIREMENTS 2. Uniform Certified referees are responsible for their own uniform purchase. Pictured below are the Referees and Ref Coaches who represented NC at the USYS 2021 South Region Championships in Greenville SC June 17-24, 2021. Dress and Act Professional: If you expect to command respect (one element of game control) on the field, then you must look and act like a professional. From left to right starting at the rear are: Ernie Fisher, SDA NRC, Paul James, SRA Ref Coach, Matt Smith, John Bouda, Ref Coach, Michael Angell, Bryson Condrey, Robert Leonard, Ken George, NRC. US Soccer and NISOA, the college referee group, created a two-year window for the new shirts. Connecticut State Referee Program 705 North Mountain Rd Newington, CT 06111 "Office Visits By Appointment" ... USSF ID: - - - USSF Grade / Grade Date: 06/02/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) Name:, Address: Address2: City: ... 2020 Career; Game Level Referee Assistant Referee Referee Assistant Referee; Intl. Previously registered referees under the age of 13 will be grandfathered. Please check the calendar for up to date information on the date and time of the course. We are operating under normal business hours, but the office is still closed to outside visitors. Search. Life Membership. USSF Re-registration Policy and Lapsed Registrations. BECOMING A REFEREE . You can add the long sleeve jersey later. Any youth 13+ or adult may choose this option. Estimated time to complete is 4.5-6 hours. Typically, new referees work for their local association. It's a LIFESTYLE. What other fitness standards and/or training requirements will there be in the USSF? M. "Referee" includes the following: (1) All currently registered USSF referees, assistant referee, 4th officials or other duly appointed persons to assist in the officiating of a game or; (2) any non-licensed, non-registered person serving as a referee. In order for a referee to recertify for the next calendar year, that person must not have any sanctions currently implied, and must be in good standing with the SRC. Good Soccer Referee Shoes Vital for many Reasons Having the right kind of soccer referee shoes is very of paramount importance. Otherwise, you will end up as a new referee candidate, with no USSF history. Men: 1816 Y 10 Piece USSF Starter Kit. Code of Conduct. USSF REGISTRATION (United States Soccer Federation) In order to register as a USSF Referee, Assessor, Instructor, or Assignor, you must log into this USSF Registration system. You will learn from experience and from working with more experienced referees. My … Order online, or use the order form below for a Starter Kit Special for new referees. We hope that most of you have completed your recertification requirements for 2020. The minimum requirements to become a certified USSF referee are outlined on the website of the California North Referee Association . Total $75. Let us introduce to you, Veo! Though there are several places to buy uniforms, USSF is officially sponsored by Official Sports Inc ., (view website) or print this flyer for a discount package on an Indiana Starter Kit . Georgia Soccer Staff Back at State Office. Official COLOR... $109 95. Attending a referee camp such as this is NOT a requirement to become a certified USSF referee. re: USSF Grassroots Referee Training vs. BAYS Laws of Game Change Summary 2020. OFFICIAL SPORTS INTERNATIONAL 4120 Corridor Dr. Warsaw, IN 46582. Please click here to get a preview of the changes so you will be prepared as you re-certify after July 01, 2019. Official Sports is your destination for soccer referee uniforms and gear. December National Coach Virtual Training Series (VTS) Now On Video. Become a soccer referee today! For the majority of the referees - grades 09, 08 and 07 - the requirements to re-certify will remain the same. Connect with referee assignors to get placed on games of the appropriate level Age Requirements: For 2021, the required minimum age to become a certified USSF Referee is 14 years old, i.e. An approved USSF referee uniform. Contact OHS assignors - click on the assigning tab on the top and lookup an assignor. Re-Certification. Youth Referees are trained game officials, and many are experienced players, but they are minor participants I'm 5'10" at 174 lbs and the Adult Medium is a perfect fit. USSF Guidance. ? A number of changes to the Laws of the Game for 2021/2022 were approved; the exact wording is in the document available for download below. Registration Fees are as follows: New Grassroots Referee: $70 Make sure you received the name of your local assignor during the entry level course. The USSF uses FIFA rules to … Through - click on the GAME ASSIGNMENT tab (left column) on this page. The Member should not wear a referee uniform or shall, at a minimum remove or cover the uniform shirt while serving as a club linesman. Official Sports ; Winners Sportswear ; Uniform and Equipment Requirements ; USSF Documents . The gold shirt is the primary jersey color for referees so it should be the one jersey you purchase right away. On and after January 1, 2020, the registration fee will increase. Northern California covers all the way south to Visalia For new referee candidates, you must be at least 13 years old. Referees are certified at different grade levels. Any youth 13+ or adult may choose this option. protest may not be based upon the judgment call of a referee. We serve the game in over 100 local associations from Lubbock to Lake Highland, Amarillo to Arlington, Cedar Hill to Corsicana – chances are YOU live close to a soccer association. After completing all requirements – you will be registered for 2022 & receive both a 2021 & 2022 badge. An approved USSF referee uniform. Attending the camp is NOT a requirement to become a licensed referee. Show up wearing a mask and casual athletic wear; referee uniform is optional. Attending the camp is NOT a requirement to become a licensed referee. classTypeID=2655). We still have some recertification clinics left for the year. Regional Referee – are qualified to officiate competitive state competitions, regional events and professional leagues including NPSL and USL League Two. Match ReportingUSSF Referee ReportUSSF Supplemental Referee ReportUSSF 4th Official Game LogKicks From The Penalty Mark - Score SheetsLaws of the GameLaws of the GameLaws of the Game Made EasyAdvice to Referees 2011Advice to Referees 2014Guide to ProceduresGuide for 4th Officials7+7 Cautionable and … You need to create a new account and sign up for a class. Other Items Required: (1) Blue Jersey (2) cleats (3) watch The referee kit has a retail value of $80.00. For the 2020 registration year, our unit will host one entry level referee course in Jamestown, NY. C. Youth Referee Safety. Register for a 2022 New Grassroots Referee Course. Other companies also supply a similar uniform as alternatives. The Member will not receive payment for the match. Q: Will the administrative elements of the USSF be similar to the Army or Air Force? Referees are professionals and are expected to dress professionally and appropriately while at the field, tournament site, or match you are officiating. On Sunday, March 21, 2021, long time Maryland State Referee Administrator, Greg Watson passed away from COVID-19-related complications. Official Sports International is the company that provides the “official” US Soccer Referee uniform. be in the lower level games. Alternate jersey colors for youth matches are black, red, blue, and green. Please note: This is a classroom/field setting and attendees are expected to act accordingly. US Soccer has collapsed all referee Grades 9, 8 and 7 into “ Grassroots ”. Starting with 2020 certification or recertification, all these abandoned grades will be reported to US Soccer as Grassroots only. Additionally, US Soccer has collapsed all referee Grades 6 & 5 into “ Regional ”. New Style 3 Pc Pro Soccer Referee Set. Referees. Course Fee: $55.00. If you have not, please be sure to complete your requirements soon. USSF Referee Registration Fee cost of $55 paid online: Register & pay by clicking here. SafeSport. SRC Policy Letters. The U.S. Soccer Learning Center is a state-of-the art online educational platform. Referee Code of Ethics. The address is 961 W. Interstate 20 OR Soccer City located at 3415 S. Cooper St., Arlington. It's … Contact your area DRA (District Referee Administrator) - Listed under the Administration tab / Board Members Tab on this page. Age. USSF answer (October 21, 2010): We hope that you misunderstood the instructor, as there has been absolutely no change in the uniform requirements. For the 2020 registration year, our unit will host one entry level referee course in Jamestown, NY. Women: W1816 10 Piece USSF Starter Kit. You will need to know your USSF ID number which can be found in your Learning Center account. As a U.S. Soccer Referee, your license is valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year, and you are required to re-certify and re-register annually. Referee “starter kits” are available through numerous soccer supply retailers and online vendors and cost about $40-$60. Not super tight, or baggy either. 5:00 PM. National Referee Coaches Bob Heilmann Patrick Baker Larry Rodriguez. We focus solely on designing and manufacturing of high-quality uniforms, apparel and equipment for soccer referees. Here is more information about becoming a USSF soccer referee. USSF Referee Levels Explained. The requirements to certify/recertify at each specific grade are outlined in this presentation. Referees Sergii Demianchuk Kyle Johnston Alex Zhelyazkov Ben Rigel. Whilst there are no specific requirements, other than the shoes are to predominantly […] Your 2021 Referee Account Status. The correct shoes provide the right support and comfort which is vital considering the amount of running that a referee during a match. BAYS Zero Tolerance Policy. Sunday Travel and Classic Club) matches. After trying on different brands from the economic to popular name brand, this jersey is superior to any others on the market. If a referee fails to re-register by that date, they can not be registered for the balance of that registration (calendar) year. New Style 11 Pc Pro Soccer Referee Set. Replacement Badge. Uniforms & Gear. USASA Region IV Referee Lifetime Achievement Award. BAC is looking for more USSF licensed referees for the upcoming 2020-2021 season!Please see available course list here: https://cnra.gameofficials. Uniforms. Ask the Referee Website ; Offside Video - Excellent Explanation of "Offside" Referee Uniforms and Equipment . 1) Scroll up to the top of the this page (USSF-NC Central Hub) and click the Eligibility Tab. Next referees will need to wear black referee shorts or black shorts with the US Soccer Referee logo with black socks with OSI 2 stripes. Their duties as a club linesman shall be limited to indicating the ball has passed out of play, as outlined in the USSF Administrative Handbook. The designs shown in the Referee Administrative Handbook (p. Laws of the Game Test Online through US Soccer Learning Center in LC Safety & Compliance State and USSF You can be fined up to $25 for violating this uniform policy. High school soccer games are played by NFHS rules. His USSF Registration started in 1979 and has continued in some capacity through 2020. US Soccer has defined the pathways for Referee advancement. Take the Online Grassroots Referee Course through US Soccer’s Learning Center by clicking here. born in 2007 or earlier (will turn 14 during the 2021 calendar year). Requirements: Need to register and pay your USSF fees – $55; Complete all online course modules (modules must be completed prior to your field session) Register and attend a Field training session; City SC requires all new incoming referees be licensed at the new Grassroots level (starting with 2020 … 3. If you are only getting one jersey, then buy the short sleeved one. I have NEVER BEEN registered as a USSF Referee, Assessor, Instructor, or Assignor. It does not mean that the gold jersey must be worn in preference to other colors.) Uniform requirements; As an inexperienced referee, you will not make all the right decisions. Previous Game Experience. The event will be cancelled in case of inclement weather. Minimum Age Requirement: 13 Years of Age. The basic uniform for referees is a yellow shirt, black referee shorts, black socks and shoes. Since 1984, Official Sports has been supplying uniforms to professional referees of USSF and NISOA alike. Private conversations, text messaging, sleeping, etc. Register to Attend an In Person Field Training – Please click here for local listings. Uniforms & Equipment Lime Valley 2020-08-31T15:40:56-05:00 Uniforms The standard uniform for youth and high school soccer referees consists of a yellow jersey, black shorts, black stockings, and black shoes. Connect with referee assignors to get placed on games of the appropriate level Age Requirements: For 2021, the required minimum age to become a certified USSF Referee is 14 years old, i.e. Referee Uniforms for New PUFC Officals Starter Uniforms. Soccer Refereeing is not just a job. Grassroots Referee. You may complete the online registration and complete all Online Coursework within 3 months prior to your Birthday. In order to become a referee, you will need to take a certification class on the Laws of the game under the auspices of FIFA and USSF. US Soccer Referee SignalsUSSF Uniform Standards for 2018 Neville v Carragher in the Referee Fitness Test! You must have the official USSF uniform and basic equipment package before being assigned to games. Show up prepared for each soccer match from head to toe with these approved uniforms. Minimum of three consecutive years as a Grassroots Referee. Once you have more game experience, you should add one of the alternate color jerseys. Posted by Christophe on 2nd Sep 2020. i.e. Your GSE/SCSA referee badge on the left shirt pocket of your jersey. BAYS Game Rule Summary for Referees, Coaches, and Parents. 3 Piece Pro Soccer Referee Uniform Set includes: *New Style* Pro Soccer Referee Jersey with Official COLOR MATCH Guarantee: Updated with Side Mesh Panels for breathability - just like Elite... $46 95. $63 Value! Where to Buy Uniforms and Gear. 2020 TRAINING: Training session for new referees. Handbook. Grade 9 qualification is the entry level grade for referees ages 12-15. This policy is effective beginning on April 15th, 2021 and continue from that date forward, or until cancelled or modified. The successful Referee candidate will have the opportunity to officiate games for the Fall 2021 soccer season and all of the 2022 calendar year. Referee Related Courses ››. You will need a yellow uniform shirt, black shorts (without any colored stripes), black referee socks, and black shoes. 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